Today was a good day. I am finally beginning to adust to the time here.... a 2 hour difference seems more difficult - waking at 7 am here is 5 am Vancouver time.... my body is now more in sync.....
My stomach has also settled down.... a bit queasy the last few days .... but all is right with the world.
I have been waking in the night .... trying to capture the sounds of the coyotes songs ..... hopefully soon I will be able to post something for you to hear... there are also crickets singing and these rhythms take me back to my childhood on the prairies.... a lullaby I have not heard for many years.....
An artist escape is about getting out of one's comfort zone - this place makes me alert to each moment in the day - from the sound of roosters in the " very" early morning , to the coyotes howls to the moon, to the dogs barking just for the sake of hearing themselves bark..... every thing is new, and out of the ordinary.....
it alerts the senses to the possibilities .....
Today, I went back to line drawings and added acrylic colour .
I realized very quickly, that I enjoy the sensation of black lines and white spaces.... and that white space is as exciting as any colour I could invent. As soon as I added colour, some emotion of space disappeared. It is an exciting discovery and recognition for me... an artist who is a colourist..... I am realizing just how much I love creating with line alone .....
I completed 3 small studies today ... each one capturing the place I am in -
Study : Casa # 1 , pen/ink/acrylic on paper

It is important to vary the energy of lines - think of the kind of energy you wish to convey with each element within the story that you are telling....